Want your cat to use the toilet like your favorite Youtube kitty celeb? Discover tips, advice and more!
Owning a cat is beautiful, the cuddling and purring is premium stuff, but continually doing litter duty….uhmm…not so much. If only there were a way to get Mr. Meows-a-lot to go potty in your toilet just like a regular human or Buster (A dog) in the 2003 Hollywood comedy Bruce Almighty.
Don’t imagine it, and it can actually happen! There are ways to toilet train your kitty and get rid of that poop easier. There is also another good side to this; you get to save on that expensive clumping cat litter too. Just think of how much could get back into your pocket at the end of the year.
The prerequisites for toilet train a cat are:
- Some patience. Actually lots and lots of it – you’re going to need it.
- A cat. Preferably a young one, but not so young so there won’t be any impromptu toilet dips. Okay, we’ll make this simple. A cat between 3 to 6 months should do.
- A free toilet. Probably one you don’t usually use because cats can get fiercely territorial, especially when they’re doing their business.
Now you have those, let’s find out ways you can get your kitty on that potty!
1. Get Your Cat Interested In Watching You Go
This is a straightforward method with zero expenses. Doing this would mean keeping your toilet door open when you’re using it. Your cat would out of curiosity, come to see what his/her ‘hooman’ keeps doing on that white seat. It may also get interested in watching you flush – it’s a fascinating experience. You might be surprised, one day your cat would jump on the toilet and mimic you!
This method does take a long time, and you may just end up with a cat that can flush but can’t go on the loo. Also, if your cat isn’t interested in seeing you go, it doesn’t work at all. You shouldn’t try to force your cat on the toilet either, it’ll absolutely loathe it, and there go your toilet goals.
2. The Kitty Kit
This is one of the most common ways; it’s all over the internet and is pretty effective. All you need is:
- Books/magazines/newspapers/cardboard boxes
- A kitty toilet training kit/tray – one that can fit over your toilet. You could make it yourself. If you want to save money, there are lots of sites that can help you make a cat potty tray.
- Flushable/biodegradable litter.
- Treats for your cats.
Don’t forget your patience. This way isn’t so easy, and you may have to retrace your steps several times. Now let’s go through the steps you’re going to have to take:
a) If your cat is already litter box trained, move the litter box into the bathroom, as close to the toilet as possible, so your cat gets accustomed to seeing it. Don’t push the box so soon if it formerly stayed in a remote place. Do it in stages, else your cat may begin to make his cat logs on the floor or your cozy blankets. If your cat is a kitten that isn’t litter trained, then it’s easier. Just move to step two.
b) Raise the litter box an inch or two every week by putting a book or magazine under the litter box. If your cat doesn’t adapt to the new height, take it down a notch until your cat is comfortable. Be sure it’s steady; you can hold it with duct tape if you will. Once the height is the same as the toilet, and your cat is okay with it, you enter the actual training.
c) Remove the books. Put the litter box on the toilet so you let your cat get used to it. After a while, replace it with the kitty trainer kit or your homemade one over the commode. Pour the litter in, and let your cat get comfortable using it.
d) Then remove the first ring from the tray or just cut out a small hole in the center. If your cat adapts to this, keep removing rings/making the hole bigger every week, while reducing the litter at the same time. Always remember to retrace your steps when your cat seems confused and reward him with treats and praises when he does things right.
e) Just keep doing this until there are no more rings to remove, or the hole is as wide as it would be if you had the toilet seat down. If Kitty is pleased, remove the kit/tray entirely and let your cat adapt to balancing on the edge of the toilet to do his business.
f) Voila! You’ve toilet trained your cat and now have Youtube bragging rights!
And now we move on to the land of strange, these ones are weird, quirky ways that just might work. Or not.

3. Keep Him There
A few have suggested that anytime your cat needs to go, you could herd it to the bathroom, point to the toilet, and close the door. Hopefully, your cat will get the hint and use the toilet just like you do. Although, it just might end up leaving the poo in the bathtub, or worse. The floor – gasps! But if it eventually works, be sure to praise your sweet cat and treat him.
4. Lure Your Cat
It might sound sinister, but we’re not talking about black vans and candy. We’re talking catnip! Or any juicy cat herb that your pet might enjoy. You could try wetting your toilet handle with it or sprinkling around your disinfected toilet seat, this might make your cat curious, and he could get interested in the toilet.
PS: Someone actually suggested letting your cat watch potty training videos for toddlers, he just might get the idea. It is worth a try! Do tell us what your experience was, don’t forget to share videos and pictures too!
Oh well, here are some ways to get your cat toilet trained. Remember, always let that bathroom door stay open, and your toilet lid up. Accept the failures and messes in your toilet training journey good-naturally, and remain patient.
Don’t force it though, if your cat doesn’t take to the training, stick to the litter box. We wish you luck!
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